By Aston-Martin
Board for
The sensory book incorporates fine motor skills activity suited for children from years one through to 10 covering both children with disabilities and non-disabilities, but more on the children with disabilities, as these pages were designed with a special needs child.
The book was designed alongside a special needs child 9-year-old Aston-Martin, as to what he likes, and what keeps him actively involved in an activity, and with several Occupational Therapy and also Speech Pathology sessions, it was evident as to what works for Aston-Martin, and this could also help other children like him.
My First Impressions
WOW! It's amazing to see your own book being created. but it's also super amazing to see how my dad views me in ways of what works for me and what doesn't. He created the book based on me as there are things I like and that work and then well, there are things that i don't like and don't work. So, I guess he was hoping that if it works for me then it would work for you.
Pros and Cons
Pros - Well, i can't complain that i have my own book out. I like that i have to learn and feel different types of material and its uses, knowing the time, days of the week, weather, months of the year. The book also helps with memory, by being able to learn how to tie shoelaces, undo buttons and button up, snap pocket, buckles how to operate, zipper the sensation and learning how to zip up clothing and much more fully designed to help those special needs children but also younger children on developing their fine motor skills.
Cons - Well, for the younger children, it might be hard but it's a good start for them to learn and it does help with fine motor skills, there are basically no cons that i can think of, it was designed to have the basic start needs to help and to make you learn the different fabrics and textures, and to work with every day operations of zippers, sensations, clothing, and how to tie shoelaces. There is a Sudoku puzzle in there as well for memory so yeah, no cons on this one.
The Final Score
It's a great book and give those a head start with fine motor skills. Its more to learn the sensations and how to do daily basic operations, same as what we learnt in ECDP early childhood development program. It works and helps me, and I enjoyed it, the Sudoku game was not easy and i needed dad's help with that one. For my first sensory book I have to give it an 8/10 as I wanted more features in the book, but this will be done later, it's not perfect but its a good start for special needs children like me.